Don't let your marketing be perceived like this image. Less show off

Why Your Marketing is Inducing the Wrong Emotions in Your Prospect.

navigation america Oct 04, 2023

In today's digital age, branding has never been more vital. Every ad, every post, every piece of content is a chance to show the world who you are as a company. But what if your branding isn't communicating the message you think it is?

One common branding mistake is focusing too much on self-promotion and not enough on client needs. It's natural to want to showcase your achievements and the quality of your products or services. Still, too often, this can come across as self-centered, leading to a disconnect between the brand and its potential customers.

The Client-Centric Approach

Branding shouldn't be just about showing off your company's strengths. Instead, it should primarily focus on the client, their needs, and how your product or service can be the solution to their problem. When potential customers interact with your brand, they should immediately understand how they will benefit.


Example 1: A Fitness Coach: Instead of marketing the hundreds of workouts you offer, you highlight the user's journey. Your ads might say, "Find the perfect routine tailored just for you, and reach your fitness goals faster."

Example 2: A Financial Planner: Instead of just listing their qualifications and years of experience, they might advertise, "Dreaming of buying a house or taking that Europe trip? Let's make a financial plan to get you there."

Do you notice the difference?

Storytelling as a Tool

Humans are hardwired to connect with stories. When crafting your branding message, think of it as telling a story where your potential client is the protagonist. They have a challenge (the need for your product or service), and your brand offers a solution. In the world of storytelling, this is a classic tale of overcoming adversity. It resonates with people because it mirrors their life challenges.

Example 1: A Local Coffee Shop: Instead of merely promoting their organic coffee, they tell a story: "When Sarah first visited the highlands of Peru, she met with local farmers and was inspired by their passion. That's why every cup you buy supports these amazing growers and their communities."

Example 2: A Mortgage Lender: Instead of just listing rates and mortgage payments: You say "Recall the thrill when you first rode a bike, the wind rushing past, the world opening up? That’s John and Maya today, standing on the porch of their first home. They'd spent years browsing neighborhoods, picturing Sunday brunches, and chalk-drawn driveways. With rates, papers, and financial jargon clouding their vision, they felt lost. But with [Insert your beautiful name here], we demystified the maze, and made those chalk drawings a tangible truth. Turn your home dreams into door keys. Let's make it real, together."

Emotions are the Key

It's no secret that emotions drive decisions. And in branding, inducing the right emotions can be the difference between a one-time customer and a lifelong brand advocate. Aim to evoke emotions of trust, comfort, and, most importantly, empowerment. You want your potential client to feel that with your product or service, they can conquer their challenges.


Example 1: Pet Adoption Center: Instead of just listing the number of pets available, your ad might depict a heartwarming image of a child hugging a pet with a caption: "Find your forever friend and make a memory that lasts a lifetime."

Example 2: A Local Book store: Rather than just advertising your collection, you might show an image of a cozy reading nook with rain outside and say: "Lose yourself in a world of stories on a rainy day. Find comfort in every page." This could also be tweaked and used for literally any apparel, accessory , jewelry biz.

It's Not All About You

As mentioned earlier, many brands make the mistake of being too self-centered in their messaging. While Yea that's right, it's time to less tooting your own horn and catering to what your prospect actually needs. When you market your prospect does not really care about how much business you do, they care about how many people like them you've helped. Same thing but different delivery.

It's essential to communicate your strengths and achievements, you should do so in a way that relates back to the client. Remember, potential customers aren't necessarily interested in what you can do ( They really dgaf) ; they're interested in what you can do for them.


Example 1: An Organic Skincare Brand: Instead of just stating they're 100% natural, they could say, "You deserve the best nature has to offer. Experience skincare that's as natural as you."

Example 2: An Auto Repair Service: Instead of only showcasing their expertise, You might advertise: "Stressed about your check engine light? We'll handle that while you take a break."

A Shift in Perspective

By focusing on the client's needs and emotions, you can create a brand that resonates. It will not only stand out in the crowded marketplace but also create genuine connections with potential customers. So, the next time you're crafting a marketing message, ask yourself: is this about us, or is it about the client?

In conclusion, branding is a powerful tool that can make or break your connection with potential clients. By shifting the focus from self-promotion to client needs and using storytelling to connect on an emotional level, you can create a brand that not only stands out but also genuinely resonates with its target audience.


PS: On your Social pages, POST PERSONAL CONTENT at least once out of every 3 posts. People can't connect with you if they don't know you. Let go of generic BS marketing, please, just let it go. 


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Stay joyful, spread love, you are enough. I love you ❤️ 

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